Wednesday , February 12 2025
medical insurance

Medical (Health) Insurance – 6 reasons why you need one NOW!!!


Medical Insurance, also known as Health Insurance is one of the most important things you can buy. especially as a family man and in this age. Having health insurance gives you access to quality healthcare, protects against misfortune and even lessens out-of-pocket expenses.

One myth about health insurance is that it is expensive and exclusive to the rich but you cannot be more wrong because it is way cheaper and more affordable in the long run.

Below is a highlight of some of the many advantages of Medical insurance

Medical Insurance lessens out-of-pocket expenses

  • Covers the cost of medical care.
  • Covers the cost of prescription drugs.
  • Covers the cost of dental care.
  • Covers the cost of vision care.
  • Covers mental health care and counselling services, including sessions with a psychiatrist or psychologist (for example, when you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress and want to talk about it). This includes therapy sessions for depression or anxiety, relationship counseling when your partner is being abusive toward you (emotional or physical), substance abuse treatment if your doctor thinks this would help your mental health issue(s). Mental health coverage also covers diagnosing and treating depression and anxiety disorders; eating disorders like bulimia nervosa; schizophrenia-related illnesses like postpartum psychosis; bipolar disorder; borderline personality disorder; obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); any other condition related to mental illness listed in DSM IV TR (the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders) versions III-IV as well as conditions that may not be included under this list yet are still considered by insurers as equivalent/similar enough to qualify for coverage under this category – these include panic attacks which also fall under anxiety disorders category
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An incentive to prevent disease

  • You can prevent disease by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
  • You can also prevent disease by getting regular check-ups, or even better, by having screenings for various diseases.
  • You can also prevent disease by getting vaccines for some illnesses. For example, if you get the chicken pox vaccine before you are exposed to chicken pox (through close contact with someone who has been infected), then you won’t get sick yourself!
  • If you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol excessively—or use drugs at all—you’re putting yourself at risk for many types of cancer and heart problems as well as high blood pressure. In addition to these health risks associated with smoking, drinking too much alcohol can lead to other problems like liver disease and cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver that may ultimately result in death; excessive drinking is also linked with osteoporosis because it causes bone loss over time due to dehydration while simultaneously inhibiting calcium absorption from food sources like dairy products; furthermore, some studies suggest that drinking heavily during pregnancy (that is consuming more than one alcoholic beverage per day) may increase your child’s risk for developing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) such as fetal alcohol syndrome or partial FASD depending on how much alcohol was consumed during pregnancy).

Protects against misfortune

Health insurance can help you when you are seriously ill, injured or disabled. It is also a good idea to buy health insurance if you are pregnant or over the age of 65.

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If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or diabetes, your treatment can be extremely expensive. Health insurance will cover some of these expenses and save you money in the long-term. If a family member dies because they were not insured then their funeral costs will also have to be paid by the other family members who did have health insurance coverage.

Access to quality health care

  • Access to quality health care.
  • You can choose your plan, doctor, and hospital.

You can choose your plan, doctor, and hospital.

The most important thing to consider when choosing an insurance plan is what kind of coverage it offers. Some plans are more comprehensive, while others may only cover certain things. Once you’ve decided on a type of plan, you can check out your options. There are many different insurance companies that offer varying prices and services.

If cost is not a concern for you, then choose the most expensive one! If it’s not covered by your employer or government assistance program (such as Medicare), there’s no reason why not go all out and splurge on the Cadillac model with all those fancy features like voice-activated navigation system that knows where to take me based on my favorite color or if I’m feeling sick today so play some soothing music for me instead please thank you very much indeed but in reality this might not be possible because maybe we don’t have enough income coming in every month so instead let’s think about something else here…

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Health insurance benefits you in every way.

Health insurance benefits you in every way.

It’s a great way to save money because you can pay less for care than if you paid for it out of pocket. It can help with the costs of medical services and prescription drugs, as well as with other health care needs like dental and vision, hearing aids, and mental health care. And it also helps protect against medical expenses for unexpected accidents or illnesses.


When it comes to health insurance, you have a lot of options and benefits to choose from. You can choose your plan, doctor and hospital with complete peace of mind. Your premiums are tax deductible and they can be paid in installments. Health insurance is the best way to ensure your family’s health and wellness


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