Technology has brought so many ease into our lives and helped in many ways reduce how much we spend even on advanced tasks that normally we might have needed a professional to execute.
We hear of AI (Artificial Intelligence) almost everywhere and sometimes we wonder how truly useful and significant is it?
Photography is one of the very many ways in which AI is going to benefit mankind. And while we might have experienced some effect of it in recent advanced mobile phones, it goes beyond just that.
I recently had need to quickly edit my photo for an urgent task and where I was I could not take another as the background was not ideal and there was no computer around to use for any editing but then I remembered a service I once used and within seconds I had my image ready with a nice background.
This service uses AI to intelligently identify faces or important items in the photo and remove the unnecessary parts and all these within seconds. I was amazed when I saw the result and to my amazement, it is FREE.

It even allows you to add a custom background and it seems as if it had been edited using a professional image editing software and by a professional. Even sometimes, my own background removal skills can’t come close to the precision of this service.

Here is a link to it. You simply access the site, upload your image and within seconds (depending on your connection speed), your image is ready with nice clean cropping and all background removed.
Click here to access the service and get started.
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